We would like to inform the health insurance consumer on how to get coverage even if you have pre-existing medical conditons that prevents you from obtaining insurance in the standard market up until the new Affordable Health Care Act is officially implemented in January 2014 or when you can start enrolling in October of 2013.
The PCIP plan exists in California for individuals or families unable to acquire standard health insurance. The Pre-existing Conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP) gives individuals comprehensive coverage albeit with only one plan offered but at an affordable monthly premium subidized by the passage of health care reform.
Obtain direct quotes through our website or rating service that includes all the major carriers or provided by our staff. PCIP rates and coverage are listed through option 2 or can be presented with an office generated proposal sent to you through email. Just call or email us with the age and residence zip code of the individual to be quoted.
The PCIP plan is a state run public plan which guarantees coverage regardless of medical conditions. All that is needed besides a payment and application is a denial letter from a california health insurance carrier within the past 6 months.
The PCIP plan will be discontinued once The Affordable Care Act is implemented which is now a certainty after both the Supreme Court decision and the recent national election. Stay tuned for up to date information on the changes in coverage and the health insurance exchange including subsidy reimbursements.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you need recommendations or suggestions of health insurance coverage. You can call us toll free at 888-504-6171 for further information. We look forward to helping you.