Our office and staff wants california consumers to feel free to contact us with any health insurance question that may be on your mind. No obligation on your part other than to get a free answer to a health insurance question. We feel we can provide the consumer with helpful information and on occasion our office will learn something new.
Our health insurance website that we provide gives you the ability to contact us either toll free or by chat and email. Compare Health Insurance also includes a health information tab that you can click to see numerous links to either public insurance programs, regulatory agencies or just sites that provide health insurance definitions on terms such as PPO, HMO, HSA, etc.
We will be more than happy to discuss the differences between carriers and their strengths and weaknesses as individual companies. We inform our clients and consumers about the distinctions between plans and the companies offering these slightly different coverages. It is our intent to make the consumer become as informed as possible so a smart decision can be made before applying for a policy.
Our staff is also well versed in health savings accounts including pre-tax contribution amounts among other HSA related issues. We also can advise on small group health insurance questions which may include non discrimination guidelines and enrollment percentage guidelines.
As we mentioned earlier, we have sites throughout southern california including our health insurance website that offers the same consumer friendly information. One of the most overlooked aspects of our websites is that you can obtain information in a private and secure manner with no personal information required. This also applies to getting a health insurance quote and or applying for coverage if interested. It is the best of all worlds for consumers.
Please enjoy our sites and we look forward to helping you.