Risking Physical And Financial Hardship Is Dangerous, Even When It’s Temporary
SAN DIEGO, May 7, 2012 – The advisors at Compare Health Insurance, a health insurance quoting service that has been a part of the San Diego community for over two decades, are reminding San Diego residents that having affordable access to care and treatment should always be a long-term priority.
Many of those who are self-employed, unemployed or living on a tight budget tend to think of health insurance as an optional expense. This is especially prevelant among younger San Diego residents who have not experienced a serious injurty or illness.
“It doesn’t matter who you are, how you live or how old you are,” explains John Weiss, owner of Compare Health Insurance. “All it takes is one injury, one car crash, one persistent condition or illness that just won’t go away to put your bodily and financial security in severe jeopardy. “
San Diegans without health insurance are more likely to ignore serious health concerns, letting problems go undiagnosed or untreated. Not only are these conditions more expensive without coverage, and even worse when left untreated for too long, but such injuries can do serious damage to an individual’s long-term prospects as a worker. The unemployed and self-employed are perhaps the last people who can afford to bear such risks.
Weiss continues: “Let us help you find a plan that fits your needs. At Compare Health Insurance, we help you sort between a number of options from major health insurance carriers like Aetna, Anthem, Blue Shield, Health Net, Kaiser Permanente and United Healthcare, among others, until we find the right choice for you and your budget. Even basic coverage will protect you should the unthinkable occur.“
Compare Health Insurance can also help individuals who simply wish to expand their current coverage to better safeguard against catastrophic risk. Compare Health Insurance offers San Diegans without health insurance many different policy options, including plans running from 30 days in length to more permanent, ongoing choices. For more information, call (888) 504-6171.
Compare Health Insurance has been providing Californians with expert health insurance advice for over 20 years. The company offers its customers direct access to the state’s top insurance providers, as well as competitive health insurance quotes for individual, small group and large group coverage.
The company serves San Diego County and provides health insurance coverage is proud to assist San Diegans in finding the best insurance coverage for their needs and budget. Whether an individual needs long term or short term coverage or can no longer afford COBRA or HIPAA coverage, Compare Health Insurance can help. Visit our website by clicking on one of the above links and get a quote right away, or call (888) 504-6171 for personal guidance.
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