Should you apply for health insurance online or with a paper application. We at Compare Health Insurance don't have a preference but from a time perspective it makes sense to submit an online application without having to pay for postage and minimize the time it takes to issue a policy.
Compare Health Insurance will advise on where to send paper applications and update when the application is received and begins medical underwriting. We have paper applications on the info section of our site or we can send you a paper application by email.
Compare Health Insurance can help you complete an online or paper application if you wish. We recommend answering any question truthfully to the best of your knowledge although not remembering every medical issue is not a crime. Medical insurance carriers utilize the medical information bureau (MIB) so they will access your medical history.
No need not to engage in full disclosure. If the question has a time frame then answer within the period rather than volunteer information not specifically asked. The good news from a medical underwriting perspective is that the future will make pre-existing conditions and medical issues essentially less relevant when trying to obtain coverage.
Please get more info here or call us toll free at 888-504-6171.